Sat 04 Jan
▀██▀ New Young Baby Face ▀██▀ Gorgeous Busty Asian MiMi ▀██▀ 100% Real Pic 609-356-6231 INCALL Only - 21
(Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach / 609-356-6231 / Norfolk)
[[ *DANGEROUSLY *]]__[* SMOKIN HOT BODY *] [[ 1OO% R E A L A S I A N ]]__ [[ *READY TO PLAY * ]] - 20
(virginia beach)
Fri 03 Jan
White real girl and TS love first-timers and beginners. YOU WILL LOVE US THE BEST - 25
*** The_____ SUPER FREAK_____ You... ~~~ DESERVE ~~~ *** ~~~ UNFORGETTABLE Service!! ~~~ - 25
(Greenbriar/Military Hwy)
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~RENEE - COUTURE*~ & *~CASSIDY CANE*~ Pre-Booking Is Essential!!!
T.G.I.F SPECIAL $40 All U Need Here! ***SuperFreak & Discrete*** Up All Night! 757-541-0809 - 28
(Virginia Beach, incall only)
★★ ▒✘SNeAk✘▒█ █▒✘AWaY✘▒█ & █▒✘CoME✘▒█ █▒✘PlAY✘▒█ ★★ PLUS★SIZE★ BOOTY - 23
(Virginia Beach, ★VIRGINIA BEACH★)
specials!Black Flawless Creole beauty come to me I am what you need - 21
(Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach & surrounding cities.)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS :*: - 20
Princess , sweet southern beauty 💙 Local - 22
(Chesapeake, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach Norfolk Chesapeake)
Hot sexy Caucasian blonde Pre-Op TS 36d yes BRAND NEW PICSin blue lingrie taken click links - 32
(Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach (Independence and 264))
X o X o *'"* ♥*__* eXotIc _ & _ AsIaN* __ *♥ *"'* X o X o
(va beach oceanfront/convention ctr)
°*☆( =F_L_¡_R_T_y= __ ★ __ =_X_o_T_¡_© = __ ★ __ =B__a_U_T_y ) *9O - 99
(Virginia Beach, Va Beach ......6O/......9O/'...;,,15O...)
DrEaM NO MoRe * I'M WhAt YoUr LѼOkiN FoR * DeLiCiOuS N' SwEet - 21
OutCall Specials💋Discrete & ready to make you smile 💋On time all the time 💋Military discounts - 28
(OutCalls to most city Call me, Virginia Beach)
NEW!! 👑PERFECT➓💛★ Busty Blonde Queen ★♛100% Real👄💍Magical Encounters🏆 Gorgeous Goddess 💜🍍 - 26
(Virginia Beach, VA Beach Incalls)
Kinky♡ Seductive☆ Sexy♢ Everything you want and more!!! ●$pecials all day●757•285 •4391 - 22
(Virginia Beach, VA beach Norfolk)
.*¨*-:¦:-* ♥ N.a.u.g.h.t.y *B.u.t *O* S.o* N.i.c.e ♥ *¨¨*-:¦: "THAI HERE TO PLZ - 22
(va beach)
Thu 02 Jan
👘👘 Sexy Luscious ❤️💖KIMMIE❤️💖 from the Exotic South East Asia👘👘 💯 REAL 🎥🎥 VIDEO PROOF 🎥🎥 - 22
(Virginia Beach)
NEW here Call 4 Specials Caucasian blonde Pre-Op 36d Versatile 9 fucntional Friday last night here - 30
(Virginia Beach (Independence and 264))
X o X o *'"* ♥*__* eXotIc _ & _ AsIaN* __ *♥ *"'* X o X o
(va beach oceanfront/convention ctr)
** UNBELIEVABlE SPECIALS ** __ f3TISH FRI3NDLY__ Dark Hair+Blue Eyes+Thick N' - 18
(Virginia Beach, virginia beach,norfolk,chesapeake)
Tilly Martini √ ® Is Finally Bac intown for ONLY a few days So Lets Have Some Real FUN - 20
(Virginia Beach, newtown by dennys Hosting IN&OUTCALLs;)
•••• HoTt!!! BLonde BARBIE•••• ► •••• ► AVaiLaBLe NoW! ••••LeTs PLaY! ••••CALL ME!!! - 23
(Virginia Beach, N.Hampton Blvd.)
(( H O T )) ♥ ( xOT¡C V¡Xn ) ♥ ( « G¡RL - NxT- DoOR » ) ( §p¢i@l§ Call Now!!!) - 21
(Virginia Beach, VIRGINIA BEACH/Bonney RD)